Guidelines for Teachers

  1. 为人师表、热忱教学、关爱学生、进取提高; 调动学生的学习热情,营造愉悦的学习环境,为有需求的学生提供必要的帮助。
    Be students’ role model, dedicate in teaching, care for students, update and improve teaching skills continually. Motivate students, establish fun learning atmosphere in class and provide necessary help to students who have needs.
  2. 制定和执行教学计划,充分备课,保障并提高教学质量。中文教学参考教学指导大纲。
    Be prepared for each class, set teaching plan based on teaching guideline, ensure and improve teaching quality.
  3. 遵守学校上课时间,按时到校,准时上、下课。未经学校许可不得擅自取消或变更课程时间. 如遇紧急情况不能按时到校时,立即电话通知学校以便做出应急安排。
    Arrange classes based on the school schedule and be at the school on time.  Classes shall not be cancelled or changed by any individual without advanced approval from the school. Notify the school immediately if something urgent preventing you from arriving the school on time; an emergency arrangement will be made upon receiving your notice.
  4. 定期查看发给老师的电子邮件、微信或短信,如有必要请及时回复。 参加教师例会,于学年结束前按时填发学生成绩报告单等。
    Check chat group or emails periodically and respond timely if it is necessary.  Attend teachers’ meeting, complete grading reports and provide feedbacks prior end of each school year.
  5. 因故无法出勤时,尽早通知学校;如自行安排代课老师,需事先征得学校同意。教师尽量不在一学年期间中断教学,如不能继续任教,请提早通知学校。
    When the absence is unavoidable, notify the school ASAP. Substitute teachers can be arranged with  advanced permissions from the school . It’s highly recommended to commit teaching for a whole school year. Please notify the school in advance if a leave is necessary.
  6. 学校会提供教学用笔和板擦,请不要使用和移动教室中的任何物品, 并确保课后清洁白板不留痕迹,将教室恢复原貌, 关好门窗。建议课前、课后照照片,并保留一个月。
    The school provides markers and erasers to teachers.  Please don’t use or remove any thing in the classroom, and make sure the white board thoroughly cleaned, the classroom set the same as it is and all windows closed after each class.
  7. 上课与课间休息时间,均需对本班学生的行为与安全负责,监督学生遵守校规,禁止学生玩弄或使用教室的电器设备。下课后,应在所有学生与家长都离开教室后离开。
    Be responsible for your students’ safety and behavior both in classes and recess. Keep students from playing with or using electronic facilities in the classrooms. When a class is over, please leave the classroom after all the students and parents do.