家长须知 / Guidelines for Parents
1. 学校与学生家长的主要沟通渠道是微信及电子邮件。 如果您长期接不到从学校发出的信息,请与学校联系。
2. 学校如因天气恶劣需关闭时,将通过微信校群/电子邮件通知学生和家长。在天气恶劣时,建议在去学校之前,先查看微信校群、课群及短信或打电话给老师、学校以确定学校是否开放。
In the event of inclement weather which necessitates a school closure, the school will post a notice in the school’s WeChat group and mail. When having a bad weather on Saturdays, please check the weekly notice sent out via school’s chat group or class group or call teachers and the school for opening status before leaving home.
3. 学生注册并缴费后方能上课。经校方同意,新生可免费试听一次课。
Students shall complete registration and tuition payment before attending a class. Upon approval of the school, new students can have one free trial class.
4. 送孩子上课时,请家长不要只将孩子送至楼前或停车场,而是送至孩子上课的教室内. 请不要将孩子留在一个没有大人监看的教室。如果您的孩子所上的文化课与中文课不 在同一教室,请在中文课后将孩子接送至文化课教室。
Please escort your child/children to the classrooms instead of dropping them on the parking lot. Please do not leave your children in a classroom without appropriate adult supervision. Escort your children to each of their cultural program classrooms when the classrooms change places for the second class.
5. 经班级老师同意之前, 请家长不要进入正在上课的教室。
Please do not stay in the classroom without permission of the teacher when a class is in session.
6. 请按时接孩子,以防孩子在无大人监护的情况下四处游逛发生意外。家长应在下课 前5分钟在教室外等侯孩子。
For the safety of children, please pick up your children on time after class. We suggest you wait outside the classroom five minutes before class finishes.
7. 由于学生每周只有两个小时的在校中文课,望家长督促孩子按时完成作业,积极与老师交换信息。如有任何有关教学、作业安排或学校管理的问题,可及时与班级老师或校方管理人员联系。
Since students only spend two hours each week in learning Chinese at school, we strongly recommend parents encourage their children to complete their homework assignment on time so that effective progress could be achieved; and maintain good communications with the teachers. If you have any question concerning your children’s learning progress, homework assignment, school operation or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or the administrators timely.
8. 请家长在大厅里休息和等候学生。欢迎家长们在PHS 高中没有训练和比赛时使用 PHS 的 各类球场和田径场。但请不要擅自进入PHS 的教室、图书馆、体育馆、饭厅等场 地。请不要随意使用PHS的计算机、电器、电话和其它设备。
Parents are welcome to use the school’s tennis courts, track, outdoor basketball court and football field while they are waiting so long as they do not interfere with PHS games or training. Please do not enter PHS’ other classrooms, library, gymnasium or use any PHS’ appliances such as computers, desk telephone and other equipment without consulting DCCS administrators.
9. 请在使用过PHS 的教室和休息厅等其它设施后, 自觉将其收拾干净, 恢复原状。人人有责爱惜和维护PHS 的设施和其整洁。损坏者或损坏者家长须按规定赔偿。家长也对其孩子未经允许使用PHS的设备及服务而产生的费用负全部责任(例:用教室里的电话 打911号码玩耍)。
Everyone is responsible for cleaning up and restoring the classrooms, lobby, hallway and other facilities to their original order, before leaving the places. Individual will be responsible for any damage they cause to PHS facilities. Parents are also responsible for all cost of their children’s use of PHS facilities and related services (such as, false emergency 911 call).
10. 中文学校所租用的一切PHS 设施根据与德华中文学校之间的租赁协议安排专供学校 教学及所安排的活动使用。未经校方许可,不得擅自在PHS 举行活动。
All PHS facilities rented under name of DCCS are solely used for programs, and activities organized by DCCS according to the rental agreement. No one shall organize any activities at PHS without consulting the school.
11. 为孩子们建立一个健康向上的学习环境,人人有责。请为学生树立行为举止楷模。提醒您的孩子遵守校规。
Maintaining a healthy educational environment for children is everyone’s responsibility. Please set a good example for our students and remind your children to follow the school guidelines.
DCCS = Delaware County Chinese School PHS = Penncrest High School
DCCS GFP v1 @2023-2024