Guidelines for Students

  1. 专注学习,礼貌待人,注意安全,遵守校规。
    Focus on studying, respect others, be aware of safety, and follow the school’s guidelines.
  2. 按时上课,不无故早退、缺课。
    Be on time for classes, not to leave classes early or miss classes without reasons.
  3. 上课专心听讲,积极参与课堂活动,按时认真完成作业。
    Be attentive in classes, participate class activities, complete homework on time with good quality.
  4. 课堂上不允许吃喝(水除外), 玩游戏、手机与其它玩具。
    No food or drink are allowed in classes (except water). Using/playing electronic devices and other games or toys irrelevant to classes are prohibited while classes are in session.
  5. 课间休息时不离开自己教室所在区域,禁止大声喧哗,追跑打闹。
    Do not leave the area where your classroom is located during recess. It is prohibited to make loud noises or run inside the building.
  6. 维护教室和学校里的设备。未经老师许可,不得使用,摆弄教室和学校里的教具,电器和其它物品。
    Keep good order of all items in the classroom. Do not use or move teaching aids, electrical appliances and other items in the classroom without teacher’s permission.
  7. 保持教室和学校的清洁,不能在教室、通道和厕所里乱丢东西,禁止在桌椅和墙面凃写。下课前协助老师擦白板和清理场地。
    It is everyone’s responsibility to restore PHS facility to its original order after use. Do not litter in the classrooms, bathroom and hallways. Drawing on desks, chairs or walls on PHS premises is prohibited. Assist teachers to wipe the whiteboard and clean up after classes.